14th November 2024
Cheyne Walk Acoustic Camera
Many of you have lobbied regarding the unacceptable noise made by specially modified racing bikes and cars tearing up and down the Embankment. To deter this antisocial problem an Acoustic Camera was installed (by the House Boats) in March 2024, intended to video, fine and deter vehicles exceeding unacceptable noise thresholds (in both directions along the Embankment)
Unfortunately between the beginning of March to now there have only been a handful of fines issued hampered, it seems, by the rules governing the use of the Acoustic Camera (in Cheyne Walk and across the whole of RBKC)
PSPOs (Public Space Protection Order) map out the rules governing when and how fines can be issued and these are set and managed by RBKC. We have been lobby ing the Council to amend the existing PSPO (that coincidentally expires in Nov 2024) to enable the Acoustic Camera to be properly effective and deter the unacc eptable noise disturbing so many residents in Cheyne Walk, World’s End, Lots Road, Cremorne Road, Chelsea Embankment and beyond.
Specifically we would like to see: The PSPO be operational 24/7, it is currently only in operation between noon and 6am. In addition to the anti-social behaviours listed in the PSPO, a maximum noise threshold should apply of 72 decibels (the current standard that UK vehicles ar e expected to meet). Above this threshold FPNs (Fixed Penalty Notices) should be issued irrespective of driver behaviour.
This current PSPO is out for Consultation by RBKC and I write to request you complete it (it should take about 5 minutes max) and can be found here.
1st November 2024
CYBC Planning Appeal Verdict
The Planning Inspector has found in favour of the Appeal against enforcement by CYBC.
The Trust fully endorses the statement below by The Chelsea Society.
The Chelsea Society has been fighting, with other local people, to protect the essential character of Chelsea Reach, because the current owner of the moorings has been evicting traditional houseboats and replacing them with much larger box-like floating structures of uniform design and appearance.
The Planning Applications Committee of RBKC has decided on no lessthan three separate occasions that this activity constitutes a breach of planning control by reason of intensification, and has issued an Enforcement Notice to compel the removal of two mega-boats.
The owner of the moorings has appealed against these decisions andthe Society was very disappointed to find today that his appeal has been allowed.
The Planning Inspector has accepted that the question whether theintroduction of the mega-boats constitutes a change in the fundamental character of Chelsea Reach is a matter of opinion for the decision-maker, but she has seen fit to substitute her opinion for that of fifteen elected Councillors of both political parties, and for that of the Chelsea Society and The Cheyne Walk Trust, and the residents of the houseboats, and very many other local people who submitted written objections.
There must be something wrong with a system where the government can send someone to Chelsea who may never have lived there at any time, with power to substitute her own opinions for the opinions so strongly held by the local people and their elected representatives.
The decision was made as a matter of fact and degree, on the basis of two boats only. However the developer has already brought a third boat to Chelsea Reach, and if as feared he will bring more of these floating pre-fabs, the matter will have to be revisited at a later date.