
Members of the Committee may be contacted directly by e-mail as follows:

Chmn Col. David Waddell (CW):
Sec Bill Toomey (CW):
Hon Treas.: John Kozak (CW):
Newsletter Editor: Hallie Swanson (CW):

Mem Sec.: David Swanson (CW):

Committee: Charles May (CW):
Roddy Mullin (CW):
Denis Strauss (CW):
George Nicholson (CE):
Anthea Turner (CW):
Richard Jacques (LS):

Location Key: CE Chelsea Embankment; CW Cheyne Walk; PP Petyt Place; PS Paulton’s Square; CR Cheyne Row, TS Tite Street; LS Lot’s Road.

Bank Details: Lloyds, Chelsea Branch, 30-91-86, 00484029